TOTAL CARS IN STOCK180,486JST 03:01 PM | 1 USD - 132.40 YEN
Import Regulations in East Timor for Japan Used Cars
Restriction in Number of Years:
Max. 5 years old
Shipping Ports:
Shipment Time:
RoRo (20-28 Days)
Shipping Schedule:
RoRo (Monthly)
Shipping Line:
No Inspection
Right-hand drive vehicles are permitted for import from Japan.
Light passenger vehicles that are above 5 years in age from the date of manufacture are prohibited for import in East-Timor.
Returning Residents who have lived abroad for at least 12 months are allowed to import vehicles if they have owned the vehicle for no less than 12 months before the import.
Heavy passenger vehicles that have a seating capacity of more than 20 are allowed for import.
Heavy cargo vehicles are allowed for import. Vehicles such as vans, lorries with more than 4 tons of cargo capacity, agricultural and construction vehicles, and material handling vehicles can also be imported in East-Timor.
Motor vehicles can be imported under international agreements.
Vehicles that are intended for personal usage and can be categorized as collectibles are allowed for import.
Vehicles that are intended for a public utility or donated for charity work and have been recognized by the Directorate-General of Revenue and Customs are allowed for import.
Commercial invoice
Title and Registration certificate
Letter of Request (required for diplomats or aid workers)
Bill Of Lading (original)
A permit from National Director of Ground Transportation
Duties and taxes imposed on the import of Japan used vehicles in East-Timor:
2.5% of the CIF value is imposed as the import duty.
2.5% of the cumulative of the CIF value, import duty, and excise duty will be imposed as sales tax if the cost of the vehicle is more than $70,000.
35% of the CIF value and import duty will be imposed as excise duty.
The excise tax will be applicable only to the import of the used vehicles whose cost is more than $70,000.
People of East-Timor like high-quality cars but also that are cheap and under budget. They tend to buy the car from the local market and also import used cars from overseas. Cheap Japanese cars are popular worldwide and can be imported in East-Timor through Japanese used car dealers.
Used Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, etc from Japan offer a great deal for the car buyers in East-Timor.